How ’bout that Lauren Daigle?

So, how ‘bout that Lauren Daigle?

Welcome to the dark side of Christianity. Where we turn on our own. Because, we are very good at it. As a matter of fact, we’re exceptional!

Lauren Daigle stumbled over a question and disappointed half the Christian population. A question asked in response to her appearing on the “Ellen” show. Unbeknownst to Lauren Daigle, appearing on “Ellen” was the moral equivalent of singing in a Time’s Square bath house.

I loathe the “gotcha” question. We don’t ask this question to edify, we ask this question to divide. Period. This is a discussion question not suited for a one-minute response. Discussion signals a desire for understanding, not exclusion.  What really gets me is who asked her the question:  a brother in Christ. Lauren Daigle is making headway in the secular arena and a brother puts forth a question that will satisfy her Christian fans and alienate those the Lord wants her to reach or vice versa. Vice versa bites. I read the scathing comments on L.D.’s Facebook page and am amazed at the level of anger leveled toward someone adored one week before. So much for grace.

Christians have made the question of homosexual sin the holy grail of Christian cred. You can’t be a “real believer” if you don’t what, shun Ellen DeGeneres? Because it is o.k. to go on talk shows where the host is straight, but happens to be an awful human being or engages in sin we find more acceptable. That wouldn’t raise an eyebrow.

The Bible tells us not to worry. Yet, we do. We are told not to focus on ourselves. Yet, we do. We are told not to gossip. Yet, we do. We are told not to use birth control. Yet we do. We are told not to get divorced. Yet we do. We are told to obey our husbands. Yet, we don’t.

Ellen gave every member of her studio audience a copy of Lauren’s c.d. Lauren’s crossing over and shining the love of Christ in the process. We reach those that need Christ in the world not in churches. Christ did not wait in the temple for those in need to come to Him. He went out and met them where they lived. He loved them first and calls us to do the same. Unfortunately, we have shown the world once again how far we are from that ideal. In our treatment of Ms. Daigle, we remind those struggling with their faith why they prefer not to join us on a pew.

I don’t care how Lauren answered the question, because she never should have been asked the question in the first place.  It doesn’t matter what Lauren thinks. Whether she agrees with what the Bible says doesn’t matter anymore than whether I agree with what it says. What we think doesn’t make the Bible any more or any less true. But, what we think it says has created countless denominations and liturgical beliefs. Of course, the interpretation we personally believe is THE correct interpretation.

Ms. Daigle says, “Read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out let me know because I’m learning too”. It seems many believe that is the very thing they did.

30 Thoughts

  1. Wow! Your analysis is so spot on. You’re a great writer and teacher! You make me stop and think and go WOW! Love you!


      1. If a Christian entertainer can not love/ reach/sing/ and be friends with Ellen or people like her, who can… It is an answer to pray , l have been praying for Ellen to be born again, thank you Laren Daigle for letting Your light shine in the world of darkness (the entertainment industry and mass media) You keep singing for the LORD, it the Theologian, Pastor, and Elder job to answer the difficult question. Thank GOD for your gifts and callings from the LORD, they are without repentance. You are in My thoughts and prayers always,
        En Agape
        R G Jones
        John 3:16


  2. Yes, we should read the Bible and find out; however, it’s the watering down of the gospel and not wanting to “hurt” someone’s feelings that create these beliefs. God’s word is true, all sexual immorality is against His will.


    1. Hi and thanks for commenting. I agree all sexual immorality is against His will. I wish “all” was included more! He is against anything that harms us. He wants us whole.
      When we ask questions to determine Christian fitness and then attack, we harm. It also bears a striking similarity to the pharisee’s style when questioning Jesus. It’s not done to illuminate, seek understanding or draw others in. It’s done to exclude and incite.
      The enemy wants nothing more than for us to turn on our own. We don’t disappoint. We have a keen interest in searching out what makes our brothers and sisters in Christ different and ultimately, less than. It’s how we roll.


      1. Totally agree! We don’t judge people to Jesus, we love with Christlike love, drawing people to Him.
        Christians do more damage to HIS kingdom, by attacking other Christians, than any other criticism.

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    2. Amen !! We have become to complacent in the church. Sin is sin.
      We as Christian’s need to be bolder and NOT cower down on what the world thinks but what the Bible says about ALLLL sin.


  3. Not sure where we are told not to use birth control. One incident in OT about not spilling seed on ground as that baby in direct generational line to Christ.


    1. “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them” (Psalm 127:3-4).
      There is nothing new under the sun, including how we act and how we react to Bible verses. Birth control used to be THE hot button issue Biblically and legally. Apparently, you are unaware that birth control was only legalized in our great land in 1965. It was a SUPREME COURT decision! Consider that for a moment.
      Many verses can be contextualized and interpreted to fit our purpose. Typically, if it rubs us, we don’t agree with the interpretation. But think of it this way: if we agreed with everything the Bible says, we say it says or we are told it says, would we really need it?
      Isn’t it about introspection and growth so we may serve God and others well? Aren’t you glad the Bible gets under our skin a bit? I love the Bible and believe it is the infallible word of God, BUT man is completely fallible in his interpretation. I cannot tell you how many verses have bloomed before my eyes and in my heart when me, myself and I break them down and research them word for word in the Hebrew or Greek. Then, my friend, you and I see the love of God.
      Thank you for your question. Glad you asked.


      1. I also want to add that birth control pills are controversial because most people do not understand how they work. So many against abortion take the pill yet fail to understand that the pill does NOT prevent preganacy. You can and will still get pregnant on the pill. The egg can still be fertilized. The pill prevents you from carrying the baby. So the egg does not attach to the uterus. If you believe life begins at conception then you should not believe in the pill!


      2. Actually, as I understand it, the hormones in the pill “fool” the body into thinking it has released an egg, when in fact, one is not released.
        The iud allows the egg to be fertilized, but makes for an inhospitable environment. The fertilized egg can’t attach.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That is a beautiful message that is SO needed in such a divided world. This message has made me rethink some of my political FB posts. Keep up the good work, keep fighting the good fight and deliver your message with love while living in grace.


  5. Great Article Mia “Ellen gave every member of her studio audience a copy of Lauren’s c.d. Lauren’s crossing over and shining the love of Christ in the process.” It’s amazing that God even uses evil Tyrants to fulfill HIS WILL! His word will not return void! I still believe Amy Grant has a testimony, with the CMA crowd!


    1. Thank you, Steve. I don’t personally categorize Ellen as an evil tyrant, but I agree wholeheartedly that he does use those and all to fulfill His will. Our God is not haphazard and we don’t surprise Him. He’s got this-thank God!!!!


    1. Hi Daphne. Just like most things, it’s an argument over interpretation of verses. Genesis speaks to Adam and Eve, later to Onan. Leviticus and the Psalm I quoted on the other birth control comment, are brought into the mix. For centuries, birth control was and to some still, considered a sin.


  6. Very well said! Everyone is attacking her but Jesus wouldn’t have shun Ellen. He would have loved her just as He loves me, you, your child, and every other sinner under the sun. Lauren was led by God to go on that show and spread His word. Who are we to judge her for it? Non Christians are watching and our reaction is turning them away from God!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We all sin. But if you know something a sin you can not cover it up. We are not to judge a person that not or job. But on the other hand it’s you job to give them encouragement to read the Bible and help them if they let you. So yes she was wrong. But Christians are other on worst enemies. Two many ack like there better then others. We are not no better. But everyone is looking at you if you see it or not. So way be a Christian if you going to not ack like one.


    1. Hi Robert, thank you for commenting. Lauren did offer encouragement to read the Bible. When I read the Bible, I see Jesus ushering individuals in and then He unpacks the sin. We seem to want to put the cart before the horse.


  8. I wasn’t upset about her being on Ellen…she was given a wonderful opportunity to share Christ through her music. I think the problem is that she was given another opportunity to share the truth but opted to say that she didn’t know if homosexuality was a sin. I agree that if we are going to talk about sexual sins, we need to shed light on ALL sexual sin, not just one. God’s coming is soon and while we always need to approach the unsaved with a loving heart, don’t forget that Jesus spent time among the sinners, spoke about salvation and how to have it, but he also pointed out their sins and told them to go and sin no more. We will all stand before Him in judgement one day and it’s up to Christians to spread the truth which is about loving and serving others but also to speak truth about sinfulness. I pray for Lauren Daigle as she is still young. The business she is in is tough and unforgiving, so until she is ready to delve into deep conversation about the Bible and her beliefs, she may need to stay away from those subjects that are very hot topics in this political climate we are in. I will be attending her Christmas concert this weekend and look forward to hearing her beautiful voice!


    1. Hi, Kayla. Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment. I agree with a lot of what you said, but…
      I don’t believe she should have been asked the question in the first place. If we are interested in sin, why not ask about allll sin. Why do we put this much emphasis on THIS question? I do not get it.
      Jesus made relationship first, then unpacked the sin. The Sermon on the Mount is a perfect example for us. And speaking of, I don’t see homosexuality as one of the big ticket items he addressed there, so why have we made it the end all be all?
      It is a tough business and it bothers me that a brother in Christ made it tougher. She didn’t dive into the topic-he did. If she doesn’t think it’s a sin, that doesn’t make her less Christian. If she professes to be saved, I believe her to be saved. Catholics and Baptists don’t exactly agree on everything, right?
      I am thrilled you are going to her concert and I really appreciate your sharing your opinion. ❤


  9. Thank you for this well written piece, I totally agree. Also Lauren is young and young people are easily trapped by savvy interviewers. We should be thanking God for her amazing talent and encouraging her as she gets these opportunities to be “salt & light.”

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  10. I am not at all please by this for the reason of the first real paragraph. If we are brothers and sisters in Christ then you should not be boasting on turning against each other and absolutly not tearing people down. The bible calls us to love or neighbors as we love ourselves and that is not what I see here.


  11. When people ask the question, “Do you think homosexuality is a sin?” the first response should be, “What do you think ‘sin’ is, or what do you mean by ‘sin’?” The only definition of sin is that it is going against God’s perfect standards as laid out in His Word. When that is established, then ask the questioner (who is usually some self-righteous ‘clever-clogs’ trying to catch you out, prompted as I say over and over, by the Devil, so know who you’re enemy is), “So what does God think about it then? Go and find out. I’m not going to judge someone who chooses not to live by God’s standards, but equally, I should not be judged as a Christian for having an opinion based on God’s standards and trying to live according to God’s standards. Sin is when we fail, and we all do that. The point is, if we do claim to aim to live by God’s standards and/or set ourselves up as an example (eg. pastor, Christian youth worker, worship leader etc etc) then we have an extra responsibility to know and live the Truth with God’s guidance as best as we are able, as other people’s opinions and directions (and eternity depending on your theology) can be affected by our stance. We need to pray for those in ‘authority’, those who find themselves on some ‘pedestal’ (unhappily I think really), that they will always look to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and guidance for ‘a word in season’, and look always to honour their Maker and Saviour in their position.
    Seriously, journalism has gone bad, in politics, religion… hypocrites just trying to catch people out. We’re only human. It’s time we turned the questions on them. Lovingly.


  12. Haha! See you when you come to the UK!
    I’m just sorry I read this post a year late. Anyway, here’s a challenging scripture I love…

    ‘1 Peter ch 3 vs 13 Who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, how happy you are! Do not be afraid of anyone, and do not worry.

    15 But have reverence for Christ in your hearts, and honor him as Lord. Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, 16 but do it with gentleness and respect.

    Keep your conscience clear, so that when you are insulted, those who speak evil of your good conduct as followers of Christ will become ashamed of what they say. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if this should be God’s will, than for doing evil.’

    If the cap fits, wear it everybody. ( I don’t think that’s in Proverbs).

    A statement you make in your excellent argument I would question, however, is, ‘Of course, the interpretation we personally believe is THE correct interpretation.’ That might be true for some gifted theologian but even then I doubt it. I don’t believe God would have allowed for His Word to have many different meanings (interpretations). We either know and understand it correctly, or we don’t. As you rightly commented later on, ‘man is fallible in his interpretation’. As each Christian has their own personal relationship with Christ, meaning might SHOW in different ways, but the point of that relationship is to draw us closer to the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am definitely not a gifted theologian so I could be wrong. Gx


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